Public Records Request

The Town of Eaton makes all records available for public inspection unless the records are protected from disclosure by state or federal law, by court order, or unless disclosure of such records would be contrary to the public interest.

Request for Information Under the Colorado Open Records Act Pursuant to the Town of Eaton Policy Regarding Access to Public Records

Request Information
Name of Requesting Party

By signing this request, the requesting party acknowledges that, pursuant to the Town of Eaton's Policy Regarding Access to Public Records under the Colorado Open Records Act, reasonable charges may be made for copies requested and additional charges may be made for staff time when extensive research is necessary to locate a particular document or documents and/or to prepare a document(s) for release. Research and retrieval fees are chargeable after the first hour.

Do you want the town to provide you an estimate of these costs prior to incurring such costs as a pre-condition to processing your request?
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