Community Policing

The Eaton Police Department believes in being active members of the community. We make it a priority to attend events, hold fundraisers, and be out in the community every day meeting the residents and community members that make this community great! Learn about some of our efforts:

Toys from a Cop 

The Eaton Police Department continuously maintains the Toys from a Cop program.  This program allows for the Eaton Police to provide presents to children in need for birthdays and holidays. We accept all toy and cash donations at the Eaton Police Department. If you have questions please contact Chief Sturch or Police Clerk Pena. If you are in need of toys for your children, please call us and we will be happy to assist.

Drug Take Back

The Eaton Police Department takes prescription drugs year-round.  The green drop-off kiosk is located in the main lobby and can accessed Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.  During closed hours, you can contact 970-454-2212 option 3, and an Officer will collect your prescription drugs for the kiosk. We are unable to take needles, marijuana, or chemo drugs.

Community Speaking Engagements 

Eaton Police Officers are available to speak to your service club or organization. Officers will be glad to present a program to inform you about the police department, our policies and procedures when handling calls for service, and how the police department can better serve the needs of our community. If you would like an officer to speak to your group, call (970) 454-2212 and speak with Chief Kevin Sturch or Commander Matthew Rundle.

Tips to Protect Yourself and Your Property

All of us can remember a time when you could leave your house and car unlocked and even leave the keys in the ignition. Sad to say, those days are gone.

Eaton Police Department has the following recommendations for residents when it comes to their personal property:

1. Lock all of your doors, both when gone and at home.

2. Do not leave your car unlocked. Make sure you remove personal items from view and place the min the trunk of your vehicle.

3. Close your garage door. An open door invites your property to be stolen.

4. When going on vacation, notify the police department. We will check your property daily.

5. Notify the police immediately, if you see someone hanging around your neighborhood that you don't know.

FRAUD ALERT: Cybersecurity Guides for Seniors.