Hometown Revitalization Committee

Eaton Hometown Revitalization Committee

The Hometown Revitalization Committee was created by the Eaton Town Board of Trustees to provide assistance and recommendations regarding development and redevelopment of commercial areas. The Committee’s responsibility is to advise on matters related to revitalizing commercial areas in the town, like improving existing commercial areas, attracting new commercial and retail opportunities, making physical improvements to commercial areas, marketing, promoting community events, recommending financial policies or capital expenditures to support revitalization, and medium and long term planning. The Hometown Revitalization Committee consists of seven members: two members shall be Board Trustees, and five shall be residents of the Town, own property in the Town, or be an owner/manager of a business in Town.

The EHRC meets the first Monday of every month in the Carsten Board Room at 6:00pm.

Click here to see upcoming meeting dates and agendas!

Current Board Members


Weston Hager
Whager [at] eatonco.org
Liz Heid
Town Board Trustee
Lheid [at] eatonco.org
Elizabeth Perkins
Eperkins [at] eatonco.org
Elaine Giersch
Voting Member
Egiersch [at] eatonco.org
Dawn Hass
Voting Member
Dhass [at] eatonco.org

Annual Events

To foster economic vitality and encourage community connections and involvement, the Eaton Hometown Revitalization Committee hosts the following annual events:

  • Family Movie Night - July
  • Small Business Saturday - November

Quick Links

Downtown Construction Project

Downtown Development Authority